Prabhudasi sisters of Ajmer (Handmaids of the Lord) is the first indigenous Religious Institute founded in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India on 24th May 1906 by Rt. Rev. Fortunatus Henry Caumont OFM Cap, the first bishop of Ajmer diocese.
The purpose of the Institute is to give the Gospel values to all the people irrespective of caste, creed, colour, gender and religion especially among women, girl children and the poor and the neglected of the society through the ministries of education, health, social & pastoral by imitating the Blessed Virgin Mary as their model and following in the footprints of the great saint Francis of Assisi.
The Society of Prabhudasi Sisters, Ajmer (Prabhudasi Sisters of Ajmer) is a registered Society under the Rajasthan Society Registration Act 1958 with Reg. No. is 373/1976-77. The society’s headquarters is at Madar in Ajmer district of Rajasthan, India.
This Institute has 500 members and they work in various parts of India and overseas. The overall administration is entrusted with the Superior General and Councillors. The Provincials govern their respective Provinces. The Congregation is the one of the Pontifical Right and has an illustrious history of service for 100 years.

We run English and Hindi Medium schools in urban and rural areas. We impart Christian and human values along with a sound education to the students which will prepare them for the future of our nation.
To bring the healing touch of Jesus to people, our sisters dedicate their selfless services for the sick and give them care and loving service. We conduct awareness programmes and medical camps for the prevention of various diseases.
We organize and run social service centers to reach out to the poor and marginalized through various welfare and development programs. We work for the welfare of the marginalized and deprived sections of the society in the rural and urban areas irrespective of cast, creed, community or religion.
- Superior General’s Desk
Sr. Joicy PSA
We believe that every act of kindness, no matter how small, can transform lives. Our society is not just an organization; it is a family bound by the shared goal of creating a better, more compassionate world. Together, we can bring healing and hope to a suffering humanity, embodying the love and ....... more